Good afternoon,everyone. We are going to talk about Sanrio Puro Land. We have four point to talk, What is about Sanrio Puro Land? What kind of attractions it has? What should you eat in Sanrio Puro Land? What kind of characters are in Sanrio Puro Land?
I will talk about What is about Sanrio Puro Land?
It is a Theme Park
in Room.
It has many famous characters such as
Hello Kitty.

It’s the second characters theme park in Japan. We can enjoy in it a whole day with attraction such as shows. In the first time, It has perfectly appointment system theme park. But now, it
sells today’s ticket.
It is in Tokyo prefecture tama city ochiai 1-31
Day of open is
December 7th 1990
It has apt of company that “
Happy is to know love.”It has strange name, puro, origin of naming is coinage between Pure and Pierror.
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