Main actors : are Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.
Produced : by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
Award : Won Oscar Another 17 wins and 28 nominations.
Directed : by Barry Sonnenfeld.
Genre : Comedy, SF, and Action.
Runtime : 98 min.
Plot : In the earth, There are many aliens.
But people couldn’t recognize them.
Because of M.I.B’s actions.
Recommendation : They are very cool guys. Because they are hero of the earth. They protect peace, our lives. We shouldn’t miss them activity!
2. Cube

Made in Canada, 12 September 1998 (in Japan)
Director : Vincenzo Natali
Award : Won 13 prizes and 8 nomination
Genre : Mystery, Drama, Horror, and Thriller.
Runtime : 90 min
Plot : One day, a man gets up in mysterious box. It wants to kill him.
Can he get away from it safely?
Recommendation : It takes us very strange and thrill. It's black fantasy. but very real and horrible. There are many traps in cube. Men and Women solve and avoid it bery thrilling!
3. The Terminal

Made : in 18 December 2004
Director : Steven Spielberg
Main Actor : Tom Hanks
Award : 2 wins and 2 nominates
Genre : Drama, and Romance
Runtime : 128min.
Plot : He want to save his promise with his father.
He is in the America. But his country broke up civil war.
Then, he couldn’t get back country, and get in America.
He must stay in the terminal.
Recommendation : We can enjoy his life in the terminal. and be impressed his activitys. This movie has many masseges promiss,love and friendship etc.
The terminal official web site
Quatation :
The Internet Movie Datebase
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